Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Runtime

Scientific Foundations
Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Improve code-coupling performance in the SALOME platform

Participants : Alexandre Denis, Sébastien Barascou.

  • SALOME platform is an open source software devlopped by EDF, CEA, and OpenCascade. It is an open simulation platform with pre-processing, post-processing, interoperability with CAD models, integration with computation kernels.

  • YACS is the workflow engine used for code coupling applications in SALOME. It leverages CORBA for communications between kernels. We have ported [50] YACS atop PadicoTM, our communication platform for grids. It enables CORBA connections to use InfiniBand networks. Benchmarks show a significant improvement in code coupling performance.